Man in Wheelchair

Applying for Disability Insurance

Many individuals tend to overlook disability insurance as they believe, “it won’t happen to me” but 1 in 3 Canadians will be disabled for more than 90 days. Make sure you’re covered […]

Deemed Disposition at Death
Estate Planning

Deemed Disposition on Death

At death, an individual is considered to have disposed of all of their property of value such as investment accounts, real estate, shares in a private company, cars and more! For property that has increased in value, an individual would be responsible to pay capital gains. […]

Estate Planning

Tips on How to Avoid Probate

To determine if the will is legal and valid, it goes through a process known as probate. The will is sent to court and the courts will establish the true Last Will and Testament. Probate can help confirm the legitimacy of documents. […]

Investment Bias
Asset Management

Being Mindful of Investment Biases

When it comes to investment choices, keep in mind possible investment biases. The  Behavioral Finance Theory states that when it comes to decision making, investors act rationally via objective thinking and logic. Investors act rationally […]