On the tee, from Washington: Bipartisan anger over Saudi golf mega-deal

On the tee, from Washington: Bipartisan anger over Saudi golf mega-deal

Scores of members of Congress have criticized the golf mega-merger, warning that it would help consolidate the Saudi government’s U.S. influence despite deep bipartisan concerns about its human rights record. “If the three major auto companies in America decided to merge, the Department of Justice would be all over it. That’s what we have here,”… […]

Biden world restructures itself around selling Bidenomics

Biden world restructures itself around selling Bidenomics

That’s just one component of the push. Cabinet departments are also under orders to speed implementation of key social and economic policies passed under last year’s huge climate, health care and tax law. And the White House plans to deploy top officials across the U.S. to highlight construction improvements and new manufacturing projects in red… […]