Cash Value Feature

Cash Value of Life Insurance Policies

Whole Life Insurance / Permanent Insurance The cash value of life insurance policies can be found in permanent insurance such as whole life. Whole life insurance is a popular and unique type of permanent insurance. […]

Automobile Insurance

Types of Car Insurance Coverage

Automobile insurance coverage is mandatory in Canada. There are various types of automobile insurance coverage and it’s important that you are able to find a competitive rates that provide you with options to customize. […]

Man in Wheelchair

Applying for Disability Insurance

Many individuals tend to overlook disability insurance as they believe, “it won’t happen to me” but 1 in 3 Canadians will be disabled for more than 90 days. Make sure you’re covered […]


Types of Life Insurance Coverage

Whether you’re single or married, in the event of death, your loved ones could be burden with emotional or financial expenses. Having life insurance coverage could alleviate some of the hardship that a loved one might go through. […]

Registered Retirement Savings Plan
Risk Management

Overview of Seg Funds

Seg funds also known as segregated funds are long term investment products, similar to mutual funds, but offered exclusively by life insurance companies. The unique mechanism that differentiates segregated funds from mutual is the fact […]

Guaranteed Interest Accounts
Risk Management

Guaranteed Interest Accounts

For policy holders looking to protect their capital, they may turn their attention to Guaranteed Interest Accounts. As we know, insurance policies offer a wide variety of investment choices that could be overwhelming at times. […]

Types of Annuities
Risk Management

Types of Annuities

There are various types of annuities and below we’ll discuss the most common ones. Annuities also known as annuities are financial investments that provide a steady and reliable stream of income. There are many types […]