Walmart Child Throws Epic Tantrum … Cleanup On Aisle 4!!!
Messy scene at Walmart … a little girl went on an epic tantrum, throwing food all over the place and shattering glass bottles … and it’s all on video.
The footage starts with the child picking up food items from the deli and tossing them on the floor … seemingly without any parental supervision.
She works her way down the aisle, leaving a trail of destruction in her path … until a couple older women try to stop her … and a struggle ensues.
The girl breaks free and then goes right back to throwing packaged food on the floor … only this time she stomps on the items.
Little Debbie packages start flying and she kicks the display case for good measure … and by this time, a crowd has formed … though no one seems to be physically trying to stop her.
Only once she gets to a case of glass bottles filled with sparkling juice is she confronted … with a man grabbing her after she’s able to break a few of the bottles on the floor, sending glass and juice all over the place. It’s unclear where the incident took place.
Cleanup on aisle four!!!