Ex-Defense Official Raises Alarm Over Possible Intelligence Failure at UFO Hearing

Ex-Defense Official Raises Alarm Over Possible Intelligence Failure at UFO Hearing

Congressional UAP Hearing Former Defense Official Raises Alarm … Potential UFO Threat Greater Than 9/11


Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, or UAPs, are a threat to national security and, if those who built them are our enemies, then their mere existence constitutes one of the largest intelligence failures ever … so says a former Defense Department official who testified before Congress.

Luis Elizondo — an author and former DoD official — appeared alongside several other UAP experts in front of Congress Wednesday to discuss the threat UAPs pose to America.

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Check out the clip … Nancy Mace — a Republican congresswoman from South Carolina — asks Elizondo if UAPs are made by private businesses or extraterrestrials, since he says governments do not control this tech.

Elizondo explains it could be both … before saying UAPs far outclass the technology of the American government.

He finishes off with a word of warning … telling the committee, if this technology is controlled by an adversarial power — this intelligence lapse would be much larger than the failure to prevent 9/11.

Michael Shellenberger, Tim Gallaudet and Michael Gold several other experts on UAPs — also testified.


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We’ve told you all about UFOs and UAPs over the years … including earlier this year when we released “TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution” — a deep-dive into America’s UFO problem, featuring interviews with filmmaker/journalist Jeremy CorbellUFO historians, and a U.S. congressman.

“TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution” is free to stream on Tubi.

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