Expansionary Monetary Policy


Through the buying and selling of government bonds and other securities, the government is able to manage their expansionary monetary policy. This is known as open market operations, a commonly used tool by government bodies around the world. Through open market operations, the government would buy or sell securities in order to influence money supply, level of interest rates and the behavior of the overall economy. An expansionary monetary policy is the reverse of contractionary monetary policy.

Expansionary Monetary Policy - Open Market Operations

Expansionary Monetary Policy – Stimulating Economic Growth

A central bank would use an expansionary monetary policy in order to stimulate the growth of the economy. This would the injection of a money supply into the economy. This injection would boost consumer spending and increase capital investment.

Expansionary Monetary Policy
In order to stimulate the growth of the economy, a central bank would use a expansionary monetary policy.

Expansionary monetary policy tools involve decreasing interest rates, reducing capital reserve requirements and buying back government securities.

  1. Decreasing Interest Rates – The government would adjust and reduce short term interest rates. This would enable banks to borrow short term loans in order to fund their liquidity needs. These low interest rates would reduce the cost of borrowing for banks. Lower cost of borrowing for banks would mean a lower interest rate for consumers. A lower interest rates would increase the money supply in the economy.
  2. Lower Reserve Requirements – Banks are obligated to hold a set amount of reserves with a central bank. When the central bank is looking to increase the money supply, they would lower the reserve requirements for the bank. This in turn would result in more loans handed out to consumers at low interest rates. More loans would increase the money supply in the economy.
  3. Buy Government Bonds – To increase the money supply, the government may use open market operations and buy back large amounts of government bonds from institutional investors. This purchase of government bonds would mean more money in the pockets of investors that they can spend, boosting the money supply.

Through an expansionary monetary policy, the government is able to:

  • Boost Economic Growth – Reducing the cost of borrowing would encourage citizens to spend more and encourage businesses to invest in larger projects.
  • Increase Inflation – Increasing the money supply would also increase inflation. This would result in a higher price of goods and services.
  • De-value Currency – Boosting the money supply in the economy would reduce the value of domestic currency. This currency devaluation would mean more exports to foreign countries. Foreign countries would be able to buy more products from the domestic country and contribute to the increase of the money supply.
  • Create Jobs – As exports and capital investments are increasing, this would result in extra jobs available for the consumer. There is a positive correlation with an expansionary monetary policy and reduction in unemployment.