The world is changing at a faster pace than many of us have imagined. Due to the pandemic, many have had to deal with personal, governmental & economic changes such as; public health protocol management, restaurants becoming ghost kitchen delivery services, supply chains disruptions, crypto-currency eruptions, construction of 5G infrastructure, and massive digitization in many industries. NTG Clarity Networks (NCI) is an information technology and telecommunications company with a specialization in digitalizing workflow management & naturally beginning to benefit massively from the aforementioned changes. The company has offices globally and in some of the most important economic hubs of the world. With over 200 network specialists and engineers, the company hopes to capitalize on the evolving digital world.

Source: NCI Investor Deck
A Turn-Around Story at an Inflection Point
NTG Clarity Networks (NCI) continues to add-on to their list of milestones despite the rocky five years which included the passing of a director and management overhauls. Through their proprietary software products, the company has been able to provide quality service for more than 20 years at a competitive price. The company’s commitment to going above and beyond to achieve customer satisfaction for their clients has earned them outstanding testimonials.
On behalf of Nokia Siemens Network (NSN), I am pleased to express my highest satisfaction regarding NTG Clarity’s completion of the Hayatt WiMAX project. I found the NTG team to be professional, courteous, willing to share knowledge, discuss technical issues and collaborate. Their skills and abilities, along with their collaborative and open personalities have made them an asset to our company.
Emad Matter, Nokia Siemens Networks
The services offered by the company cater to the digital economy, particularly in designing, building, integrating and maintaining data centers. The company also caters to major Canadian Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (ILECs), Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs), ISPs, Cable Operators and Hydro Utility companies.

Adapt, Overcome & Execute
Throughout their 20 year history, the company has demonstrated resilience and flexibility. The beginning of the pandemic in March 2020 forced a lot of companies to make changes to their business models and NCI Clarity Networks was no exception. The company’s adjustments consisted of cancellation of marketing events, cancellation of customer in-person meetings reduction of travel, as well as mandated salary reductions for management. These changes allowed the company to reduce cost of sales by 16% and selling expenses by 46% as stated in their November 2020 news release. The management’s ability to overcome and see through the fog allowed it to produce some impressive numbers.

Source: Sedar.com

Digital Transformation In Oil & Gas
Many industries are embracing technology to reshape their operating landscape in order to improve their productivity and operational performance. The oil & gas industry is not a stranger to this and is progressing towards digital maturity. With offices in Egypt and Dubai, the company most recently signed a Memo of Understanding with a major bank in the Gulf region to provide offshore resources and facilities. NTG Clarity Networks will provide software development and IT resources with estimated annual revenues to reach $2.5M as the resource build up takes place.

“As a result of COVID, there is an increase in working remotely and there is proven productivity for remote work in the software development field. The offshoring of resources to Egypt is becoming increasing popular due to the availability of resources and the competitive pricing. NTG is working hard to capitalize on this trend. We look forward to establishing our Egypt subsidiary as a major hub for offshoring in Egypt”
Kristine Lewis, NTG Clarity’s President
Smart2Go Workflow Management Platform
Most recently, the company launched its flagship digital transformation product Smart2Go along with a purchase order. The company received a purchase order for $550,000 CAD from a major health care provider to deliver digital products on their Smart2Go platform. The agreement called for full CRM functionality such as customer acquisition, customer onboarding, change request management, project management and service desk capabilities. The company considers Smart2Go one of it’s most lucrative services as it will expedite and facilitate the digital transformation journey for enterprises in all business verticals.
The company is also currently working on many proof of concepts for different customers in different countries and markets as follows:
- A top telecom operator in North America to provide fulfillment automation for their e-commerce operation. The solution covers new advanced service offering including IoT and third-party developed services utilizing the operator’s existing infrastructure.
- A major Transportation Service Provider is in the implementation phase. In this scenario, Smart2Go will be used as a Digital Enabler for Employees Self-Services, defined and supported by their ERP. The solution will enable users to enjoy the flexibility of accessing all services remotely through their mobile app, respecting organization HR rules and regulations.
- A POC for a major telecom operator to load Site Data collected by drones, imaging and compare it with existing data in their systems such as Network Inventory and Asset Management. Smart2Go will automate the reconciliation process and notify authorized users with inconsistencies. Smart2Go enables reconciliation automatically based on business rules or manually by users through a review-approve process.
Increasing Purchase Orders In a Digital Economy
As the world continues to embrace a digital economy, NTG Clarity Networks should benefit. Over the past year, since May 27th, 2020, the company has announced more than $10 million in purchase orders and one $2.5M memo of understanding. This is a vast difference from 2016-2019 when the company managed to achieve only $12 million in purchase orders. During these years, the company went through management changes and stock dilutions. Taken, together the most recent increase in purchase orders represents a 300% increase in average purchase order acquisition per year compared to the 2016-2019 term.

Strong Insider Ownership
With a strong insider ownership, it appears that NTG Clarity Networks management team interests are aligned with those of the shareholders. Out of the current shares outstanding, 25.4% are owned by insiders according to Simply Wall St. In addition, various management team members have been recently exercising their options in anticipation of sustainable growth as has recently been demonstrated by the uptick in purchase orders.

At the Forefront of Technological Innovation
In conclusion, as the world continues to evolve and embrace a digital economy, NTG Clarity Networks is in a strong position to capitalize. With their tight float, experienced management team and global outreach, the company is poised for success as Covid-19 accelerates and forces companies globally to embrace a digital world and upgrade their technological systems.
Disclosure: I am/we are long NTG Clarity Networks. This article was written by our staff and expresses our own opinion. We are not receiving compensation for it. We have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
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