Withdrawing from a RDSP
Tax Planning

Withdrawing from a RDSP

Withdrawing from a RDSP must begin before the end of the year the beneficiary turns 60 years old. However, withdrawals can happen at any age but there may be penalties. There are two types of […]

Registered Disability Savings Plan
Tax Planning

Contributions to a RDSP

Contributions to a RDSP, Registered Disability Savings Plan, have a lifetime limit of $200,000 but no annual limit amount. Contributions into a RDSP are not limited only to the plan holder. With written permission from […]

Man in Wheelchair

Applying for Disability Insurance

Many individuals tend to overlook disability insurance as they believe, “it won’t happen to me” but 1 in 3 Canadians will be disabled for more than 90 days. Make sure you’re covered […]