Deferred Profit Sharing Plan
Tax Planning

Withdrawing from a DPSP

When withdrawing from a DPSP, also known as a Deferred Profit Sharing Plan (DPSP), make sure that your vesting period has passed. If you’re wondering what a vesting period is, we’ve detailed it below. To […]

Withdrawing from a RDSP
Tax Planning

Withdrawing from a RDSP

Withdrawing from a RDSP must begin before the end of the year the beneficiary turns 60 years old. However, withdrawals can happen at any age but there may be penalties. There are two types of […]

Withdrawing from LIF
Tax Planning

Withdrawing from a LIF

Minimum Mandatory Withdrawals When Withdrawing from a LIF When withdrawing from a LIF, keep in mind the minimum and maximum withdrawal percentage. The percentages vary from province to province. Funds withdrawn from a LIF will […]